The Basic Makeup of Eye Lenses

Your eye is equipped with a crystalline lens, which focuses light rays onto your retina. Your lens can change shape as you get older, allowing you to focus on objects at different distances. You can also purchase new eye lenses to correct vision problems. The shape of your lens can affect how far or near you can see an object. Read on to learn about the basic makeup of your eye lenses. This article will provide more details.

The human lens is very flexible, and it is controlled by the ciliary muscles and zonules of your eye. The korean circle lenses AU curvature of the lens is important to changing the focus on objects at different distances. This process is called accommodation. When you focus on an object from a close distance, the lens is thicker, and therefore has a higher refractive power. When you change your focus to a farther distance, you relax the lens and the focus changes.

The lens is composed of nearly 60% proteins, the highest concentration of proteins of any bodily tissue. This lens is made of flexible and transparent tissue, which helps it focus on the retina and create a clear image. The lens is supported by ciliary muscles that help it shrink and thin when focusing on distant objects. Once the lens is mature, it is covered by a thin layer of cornea. This layer is responsible for regulating the light entering the eye.




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